From the earliest Christian community (Acts 6:1-6) to the present, deacons have played an integral part in the life of the Church. The ministry of the diaconate is an essential part of the Church’s ecclesial identity, being one of the three ordained offices of the Church. As the name implies (διάκονος = “servant”), the diaconate is the office of service par excellence, and the deacon serves at the behest of the local Metropolitan both liturgically and pastorally in the life of a community.
Through an intensive mentoring program, distance learning offerings, and a total of three summer sessions on the campus of Holy Cross, the Diaconate Program introduces candidates to the theology, history, liturgical practices, pastoral approaches, and canonical tradition of the Orthodox Church. The program provides candidates with a cohort of like-minded individuals seeking to prepare themselves for service to the Church.
September 1st: Applications are available online.
September -April: Schedule an interview with Dn. John Wise
February 1st: All required forms for the application are due. (This is a recommended deadline. We will continue to accept applications and forms through the spring)
March-May: Decisions sent by email and phone call.
May: Tuition due for the summer and subsequent academic year.
July: In-person summer session begins (mandatory Saturday-to-Saturday)
August: Fall courses begin (CPE and MTS Courses for the Diaconate).
The on‐campus certificate program is designed to prepare a candidate for the ordained diaconate within 3 years. However, the program is open to candidates for up to 6 years. The candidate must be a committed and mature Orthodox Christian who has been active in a parish and senses a calling from the Lord to serve the Church in the diaconal ministry. The program is the basis for other meetings and studies required by the local Metropolitan and complemented by service in a parish under the mentorship of the local priest.
Applicants to the Diaconate Program should be members in good standing in their local parishes and Baptized or Chrismated for at least three years before applying.
The program is designed especially for persons who are members of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America and who have the blessing of their Metropolitans to participate. Persons from other Orthodox jurisdictions may also apply to participate in the program. This program is not designed for persons who sense a calling to the priesthood.
Candidates will receive a Certificate of Study from Holy Cross upon the successful completion of the Diaconate Program. Applicants should be aware that admission into and successful completion of the Diaconate Program is not a guarantee for ordination. It is understood that the Holy Eparchial Synod will determine the final criteria for ordination to the diaconate and that diaconal assignments to a particular parish or ministry are made by one’s Metropolitan.
Serving the Church as an ordained deacon should be a natural progression from years of humble and loving service at your parish. It should be natural for your Hierarch, Priest, and the Laity in your Community to respond AXIOS! WORTHY! at your ordination.
Program Goal
Program Learning Outcomes
Graduates will:
Students will receive a Certificate of Study and 16.5 transferable Graduate credit hours from Holy Cross upon the successful completion of the Diaconate Program.
Each of the four educational and formational components of the program has its own supervisory framework.
Administered by Holy Cross faculty
HCHC Diaconate Program Leadership Team-(See also Regional Leaders below)
V. Rev. Archimandrite Bartholomew Mercado- Program
Click here for Fr Bartholomew’s Bio
Dr Jim Skedros- Program Assistant Advisor
Dr Philip Mamalakis- Program Clinical Pastoral Education Orthodox Overseer
Click here to contact Dr. Phil
Rev Dn John Wise-Program Coordinator
Rev Dn Sal Fazio-Director of Outreach
The Clergy Mentor is assigned by the Metropolitan/Hierarch as part of the enrollment application
The Clergy Mentor is responsible for a minimum of twelve (12) hours of individual candidate guidance at the parish level in the areas of liturgical practice, Theological fundamentals, and pastoral care each year. The mentor is the person that communicates the candidates’ progress in the program to their respective Metropolitan and the faculty of Holy Cross via the Clergy Mentor Forms 1 and 2. These forms are the same and are intended to track improvement and identify candidate weaknesses/strengths so when they come to the program session the DP Instructors can focus better on their individual needs.
Required Clergy Mentor Forms:
While the mentor works as an enabler rather than an informer, he is also responsible for the candidates’ fundamental Theological guidance and the training of the candidate as to how they will conduct their liturgical and pastoral responsibilities if they have the blessing to be ordained to the Diaconate by the Hierarch.
The mentoring requirements for the candidate include both the recording of ten Pastoral Visitations done with the mentor and the specific mentoring outlined in the two candidate Journal forms. These forms outline what HCHC DP Staff refers to as the Clergy Mentor shadowing experience.
Required Candidate Forms:
At the successful completion of the Diaconate Program and Course, Candidates will receive 1 Unit of CPE and are eligible for approval for up to 3 Pastoral Care Core Class Credits towards an HCHC MDiv or MTS.
If you are a Deacon or Deacon candidate seeking to relocate to a new Metropolis you must do the following:
Requirements for formal re-admittance into the Diaconate Program after a candidate has indicated withdrawal to HCHC within the 6-year maximum or after the 6-year program max duration has been exceeded.
Administered by the local Metropolitan and Regional leaders
Each Metropolitan is responsible for designating two types of Metropolis Groups.
Administered by Holy Cross faculty
Deacon Alumni and candidates are afforded several opportunities to continue their education and spiritual growth, as well as their service to their parish and community. They are encouraged to participate in Clergy-Laity, APC events, Video conference Guest speaker opportunities, and the Metropolis Fellowship/Regional Groups whenever possible and as appropriate.
HCHC Diaconate Program Patches Available
For Orders Contact: George Fekaris
HCHC Diaconate Program-Golf Shirts and Sweat Shirts are available through the Holy Cross Bookstore
(Diaconate Merch Models Program Alumni Janssen Hills and Rev Dn Luke Twito with Diaconate Program Mentor Fr Peter Chamberas)
Individuals who are at least 26 years of age, with interest in the Diaconate Program, or seeking to pay the Program Session Fee should contact the Hellenic College Holy Cross Admissions office via the buttons below. Inquiries will be responded to promptly by an admissions representative, the Program Coordinator Rev Dn John Rob Wise and/or the Director of Outreach Rev Dn Sal Fazio Applicants must apply via the HCHC Diaconate Program office of enrollment online process that includes filling out the online form fields and uploading scanned copies of the application requested documents for all checklist items listed below. (Click on the button below to Apply). Any questions regarding the Enrollment should be directed to Dr. Bruce Beck Director of Enrollment Management
If you have questions about the program or the application process, please click the Inquiry button below, and a Diaconate Program Enrollment team member will contact you soon.
INQUIRE ABOUT DIACONATE PROGRAMAccepted 1st-year Program applicants as well as Program enrolled second and third-year candidates must pay the Program Session Fee invoice to be considered to attend program classes and the in-person session.
Program Tuition 2023-2024:
For entry prior to 9/1/2023: $2260.00
For entry after 9/1/2023: $2950.00 (Cost increase for Clinical Pastoral Education Unit and credit hours toward the MTS)
Formally Accepted applicants by HCHC Admissions shall pay the Annual Session Fee within 2 weeks of receiving the acceptance invoice.
ALL enrolled 2nd and 3rd-year candidates are required to pay the Annual Session Fee at the start of each session in December and must be paid by December 1st, 2023.
Our tradition is to allow us to come together as a program every year on the campus ground of HCHC. The Retreat is for the Diaconate Program Alumni/Candidates/Clergy Mentors.
Dr. James Skedros has been the HCHC backbone of the Diaconate Program since its approval by the Holy Eparchial Synod of Bishops and its start in 2006. Through his leadership of the Program, both Spiritually and academically, a multitude of trained diaconate candidates from HCHC have had the blessing to be ordained and are now serving with humility and love to communities across America. In his honor, this scholarship fund will help strengthen the HCHC Diaconate Program and be available to qualifying diaconate candidates seeking to serve as humble deacons in the Orthodox Church.
Please Donate now by clicking on the button below.
NOTE: To ensure your gift goes to this Diaconate Scholarship fund please select this fund from the Designation Dropdown. See example below